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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 80747

  • From: Mary Lou Wendtland
    Mary LouWendtland

    Comment No: 34630
    Date: 2/18/2011

    Comment Text:

    Submitter Info:
    First Name: Mary Lou
    Last Name: Wendtland
    Mailing Address: 6348 Maywick Drive
    City: Madison
    State or Province: WI
    Postal Code: 53718
    Organization Name: Mary LouWendtland

    mmodities Futures and Exchange Commission and tell him how important it is to say ?no? to the big banks and their billion-dollar loopholes!

    Here?s how you can help:
    1. Follow this link to submit your comment to the CFTC.

    2. Cut and paste the SAMPLE COMMENT that follows this message into the comment box. Fill out all the required information. In the required field that asks for your ?Organization Name? please write your own name.
    3. Click ?Submit.?


    Dear Chairman Gensler:

    Re: End-User Exception to Mandatory Clearing of Swaps (RIN 3038-AD10)
    Dodd-Frank already contains an exception for legitimate end-users, such as airlines and farmers, who are doing commercial hedging as part of their business from clearing and exchange trading requirements.
    We must not broaden this narrow, commonsense exception to include financial and commercial institutions that want to gamble in the derivatives markets.
    This is exactly the kind of murky shadow banking that led to the meltdow

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