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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 80747

  • From: Jo Bates

    Comment No: 34520
    Date: 2/19/2011

    Comment Text:

    Submitter Info:
    First Name: Jo
    Last Name: Bates
    Mailing Address: 1241 Bates Ln
    City: El Cajon
    Country: United States
    State or Province: CA
    Postal Code: 92021

    My husband and I are sick to death of the banking industry's corruption and fraud. They got a big bailout by us taxpayers then they were supposed to help us homeowners modify our home loans but instead kept the money for themselves and invested it so that they could make lots of money to pay back the loan. No where can you find any legal help for us tax paying folks who are trying to get the banks to show us the original paper work on our mortgages. The banks tell us to go for a trial period and then they will negotiate a modification on your home loan mortgage. They lie! This is how they position themselves to begin the foreclosure procedure. As soon as you comply with their first order of not sending in another payment because they won't accept it your screwed!! The vultures are ever circling above harassing us for the keys to our house. The lies that are flying at us that our houses have been sold when the banks cannot even produce original title on said houses. Many of us have not even been properly foreclosed upon yet the vultures still circle overhead with claims of authorization by new owners to hand over our keys.
    The banks are nothing but scum and crooks and the American government does nothing to protect us from these illegal criminal assaults.

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