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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 80747

  • From: Janet Fox

    Comment No: 34486
    Date: 2/19/2011

    Comment Text:

    Submitter Info:
    First Name: Janet
    Last Name: Fox
    Mailing Address: 4435 Lebanon Road
    City: Eaton
    Country: United States
    State or Province: NY
    Postal Code: 13334

    To whom it may concern: Knowing that JP Morgan Chase and HSBC in March of 2008 manipulated the silver future markets by placing spoof orders to drive down silver prices and also now that Bernie Madoff says that JP Morgan Chase had to know about his ponzi scheme (I believe him) I think we need more banking regulation then ever. The free market as we once knew it has gone done the sewer pipes. I also believe that Jamie Dimon has no buisness sitting on the Board of Directors at the NY Federal Reserve Bank. This is a total conflict of interst to the American Public. Not only is his bank now in charge of unempoyment benifits, they now control the food stamp program. Is this a favor to his bank from our Government who is suppose to represent the people for being on the Fed Board.

    The Fank-Dodd bill should go forward as written. If this bill is to be picked apart I think our government should hire Page Perry LLC a firm who protects investors rights. They know what is going on inside these firms and have collected millions for their clients. Our Big Banks, Corporations and Wall Street have become a haven for wealthy Dishonest thugs.

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