Comment Text:
[email protected]
Saturday, January 23, 2010 5:43 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex (R1N 3038-AC61)
Identiffication# RIN 3038-AC61
To Whom It May Concern,
I am currently a SPOT FOREX trader & trade for a living & one reason I am attracted & able to be so
successful is the exceptional leverage. You can have a small account & turn small sums of money into
reasonable profits. There is a reason they have stop losses & other safety's available & in place for the
individual trader. This is a free country & I strongly belive along wiht others that the individual should
be given the freedom to choose the appropriate amount of leverage for your individual trading style and
risk tolerance. This will hurt me as a trader. I am strongly against this move along with other fellow
trading friends & associates. That is too drastic of a cut I urge opposition & leave the system well
enough alone. It is working fine for me & I shouldn't be punished for whatever reasons you feel change
is needed. I don't feel that is fair!
Brian A. Mankowski