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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Kim Ray Banning
    Banning Angus

    Comment No: 31953
    Date: 3/19/2011

    Comment Text:

    To the board: Concerning your implementation of limits of Large Hedge funds in Ag. and Fuel commodities, one thing that i am wondering is how you will restrict offshore trading. Can and will this Global money simply move offshore to conduct there business elswere?
    I find it dishearting that these large pools of money, have found it easier to speculate in paper , than to actually invest in job creating research and on the ground investments. The only jobs this money is creating is at a few large hedge funds. This is what has happened to a country that lifted itself to world dominence.
    The lack of diversification of assests in this country will eventually lead to large political proplems, if a few people in charge of regulating these large pools of money , do not see what is to happen, they need to take a trip out of Washington and see what has happened to the people they are supposed to be representing. You now see small banks (that or the only ones) , that create real jobs and stimulate small economies around the US , reluctant to lend. The unregulted waves of cash in a few peoples hands has created fear , even in these banks eyes.


    Kim R. Banning

    good job Bart

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