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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Edward F Rawley
    Forex Peace Army

    Comment No: 3184
    Date: 1/23/2010

    Comment Text:

    Edward Rawley
    Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:26 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    To Whom it May Concern,
    This correspondence is in response to the recent proposed changes to the Forex market. I must object to
    further regulations in regards to this market, I have been trading in the Forex for over 4 years now and to
    have the government, my government, decide what is best for me is not something that I need nor do I
    want. I think it is in the best interest of all parties to leave this market alone. If individuals wish to trade
    in the Forex market without the proper training and practiced techniques then they are the fools. I
    belong to the Forex Peace Army and they have been a watchdog for us for a very long time, they remain
    objective and fair in all of their dealings. IfI need to know about what is going on in the market I turn
    to them and they respond. They have exposed many brokers as frauds and have given us vital
    information regarding everything that is need in this market. They are OUR police and they do a
    fantastic job of keeping us abreast of everything. I ask that you and your policy makers take an
    objective look at this situation and realize that it is not the banks nor the large investors that are going to
    be hurt by this policy, it is going to be the little guy who is handcuffed once again. My thanks for
    reading this message and my prayers that you see what is reality.
    Edward F Rawley
    Forex Peace Army