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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Robert Nicholson

    Comment No: 31581
    Date: 3/11/2011

    Comment Text:

    These gas prices are way out of control and it's due to financial speculators, investment banks, and hedge funds. We are swimming in reserves but we keep getting told it's due to the crisis in the middle east ect. Stop The B.S. we have enough oil in our own country to tell OPEC and the rest of them to get lost, and it doesn't cost $100 + to refine a barrel of oil either, some of us have worked in refineries and it's more like $25 to $30. So stop sticking it to the hard working people in this country and start helping the people here in the US and stop supporting the jerkoffs over seas. And I though we where getting read of those speculators 2 years ago when gas prices went through the roof. But I guess that wouldn't keep certain peoples wallets fat enough for them.

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