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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: James E Ganley

    Comment No: 31480
    Date: 3/10/2011

    Comment Text:

    Were letting Specualtion by Wall Stree run up the price of Gas once again. Why isn't this market restricted to only thosue who would use this particular commodity? Goldman Scaks and Pension Funds have no business oushing up the cost of OIL through SPECULATION!

    Commonsens dictates only those who use a commodity shouldbe able to Buy or Sell it! The OIL and GAsoline Markest should be restrurecured to remobve the Goldman/Pendion funds and other influences beyond the OIL Producers and Consumers. The rate at which speculation can push prices up for no other reason than greed is breath taking, 89-105 per barrel in less than 10 DAys. It's killing the Middle Class in America, we all need to drive to get to work and back home, with these price spikes we could be going from teh "Great REcession" to another Great Depression! Oil abouve 35 dollars per barrel is a recession waiting to happen. Whnile we may never get back there, SPECULATION in tihs market needs to end!

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