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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Louis Michael Dentici

    Comment No: 30080
    Date: 2/26/2011

    Comment Text:

    Thank you for permiting me to have input on your pending decision to establish position limits. I have been an investor in the commodities market for several years and an investor in the stock market for over fifty years. Silver is the only investment I have ever made that the supply and demand theory does not work. I have always wondered why and there can only be one reason. The silver market is and has been manipulated for decades. To not have established position limits in this commodity is unfair to all investors with the exception of the financially large ones. To set position limits above 1500 hundred will accomlish very little as the same investors who are currently controlling the market will be able to continue doing so legally. Limits should be set at a realistic lvel, not at a level where some or several financial institutions can have an enormous concentration on the metal and be able to sell it short as they have done for years. I realize to bring these greedy finacial folks into compliance, with a set of realistic position limits, may create a short term hardship on them, but look what it has done to us, honest, small time investors.
    Please consider a set position level that gives all of us a fair and equal opportunity to profit in our investments in silver.
    Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion on this very important matter.
    Louis Dentici

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