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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: barry kenny
    private citizen

    Comment No: 30076
    Date: 2/26/2011

    Comment Text:

    To the commitee members
    I would like to comment on the worlds perception that , America leads the world in truth and justice and is a true democracy to be admired for its checks and balances of its systems. The position limits of the large banks circumvenes this concept . Silver and gold are money and commodities for industry and should be allowed to float like any other currency or commodity. Please allow the market to dictate prices and not banks that have all the money they need to set prices and steal from the general public . Please set the contract limits at 1500 contracts and monitor the profits to see if manipulation is occuring
    Additionally , even though the CFTC is a relitively small government agency ,on a global level it must be preceived as transparent and not opaque . The commissioners and chair should be completely non political and their adgenda is objectivity and fair dealings . To allow anyone who previosly worked at the central bank or for the treasury or the wall street banks may allow the publics best interest to be undermined . The world is counting on America again . Please dont let us down .
    Barry Kenny

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