Comment Text:
Dear Chairman Gensler and fellow Commissioners:
It seems that "free markets" are not exactly "free" are they?
Sir, it is plain as daylight that the Silver market is being manipulated by a handful of large banks.
People around the world, especially Asia are heaping up physical bullion for themselves given the disconnect between paper prices and actual physical availability. With increasing demand for physical in investment and industrial uses how is it even possible the PM prices are as low as they are?
Please let the market determine the true value of Gold and Silver in this economic climate instead of it being dictated by a handful of big players with other agendas conducting what are clearly naked shorting practices with grossly massive short positions. How can there ever be confidence in such a market while this is going on?
Please institute a 1500 contract (7.5 million ounce) position limit for Silver.
Respectfully yours,