Comment Text:
Gene and Rita Radford
Friday, January 22, 2010 6:34 PM
[] Regulation of Retail Forex []
Dear Sir,
I am writing in reguards to the proposed new rule that would change the leverage allowed to
retail forex traders; RIN 3038-AC61. As I understand, this would effectively kill the opportunity
for small time traders, those of us with limited funds to trade. I am one of these people.
In my experience I have learned to manage my risk. This is essential to moving forward and be
profitable. Many do not understand the proper way to manage the risk and that does make them a
very poor risk, and they will not survive in the forex market.
There should be some very clear rules of engagement in this market, but the proposed rules are
not the way to fix this problem. Please do not make these changes as written. !00:1 leverage is not
the problem: poor money management is the problem. 10:1 leverage will exclude those of us that
do not have the resources to stay in this market if these changes are made. Some of us are not rich.
I am learning and have big hopes for the future. Please let me have that chance.
Thank you for listening.
Eugene L Radford
Forex trader