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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: David Glanzer
    Alabama Bar Association
    Lee County Bar Association
    Kiwanis Club

    Comment No: 29506
    Date: 2/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    I spent 20 years in the USAF living with a Code of Ethics that held morality, honor, truth, and high ehtical standards as the model of behavior. Upon retirement, I attended law school and served another 22 years as a criminal prosecutor, again being held to a Code of Conduct that required the highest level of ethical behavior with an end result of promoting fairness and justice. I prosecuted thousands for everything from jay walking to capital murder. I now wonder if I did the right thing because our Federal Government, Major Financial Institutions, Congress and Central Bankers are not promoting justice or fair play, but rather corruption by the transfer of wealth, disregard for the Constitution and the destruction of the American Eocnomic system for the sole purpose of personal matter the consequences. Equating the behavior of leaders to that of the State Prosecutor, it has become patently clear that the street criminal should "not" be held accountable for their behavior, and should be left free to wreak havoc on the local citizens without interference or abatement. Allowing criminals to walk free is consistent with the current standard exercised by our leadership in Washington and New York .

    Here is the real point: Failure to establish position limits on the COMEX and continue to perpetuate the fraud, corruption and maipulation of the gold and silver markets is reprehensible and no amount of governmentese or "we are studying it comments" do anything to solve the great disparity between the guy on the street and the thieves of Wall Street. Ted Butler has said it best when he indicated "fair and appropriate position limits in silver should be no more than 1500 contracts or 7.5mil ounces. The proposed 5000 is too much and facilitates further manipulation in silver."

    I had hoped that regulators would do something to end the corruption and theft by Wall Street through market manipulation and/or the fruadulent sale of derivatives leveraged beyond belief. However, regulators never attacked the problem, which indicates they are part of the problem. If it is the goal of our leadership to destroy the country, transfer the wealth to only a few, then making a comment to the CFTC is of little importance in the scheme of things. If you are seriously attempting to perform a relulatory function, then do it.

    While in the military and serving as a prosecutor I never felt there was any other option than serve the people of my country. What does Washington think it is doing?

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