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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Tacitus Seclorum
    The Dutch also know prices are being suppressed

    Comment No: 29465
    Date: 2/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    Dear Chairman Gensler and fellow Commissioners:

    All empires throughout history have manipulated the prices of gold and silver, the current one is no exception to the rule. I have written extensively about this topic before and pointed out to you fine gentlemen how the scheme nowadays might work.

    I know you keep an eye on intraday movements of the metalprices, I know you must spot clear patterns too. It's a shame the CFTC isn't more vocal about the timing of the comex margins being raised and allows the big US-banks to continue to have their insane short-positions intact.

    Please do what we all know is the right thing to do and don't give in too political or big bank pressure. Yes, the metals manipulation is all about the status and preceived strength of the US dollar and fiatcurrency in general on which the majority of the people still rely, but don't let this fact hold you back from exposing the big lie that is being maintained till this day.

    We the people of the world should not knowlingly be fooled. Please make sure you yourselves don't become complicit in pulling the wool over the peoples eyes. Expose the manipulation in setting appropriate position limits.

    Please institute a 1500 contract (7.5 million ounce) position limit for silver. And a 2000 contract limit for gold.

    Respectfully submitted,


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