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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: martin davidson
    Bhaktivedanta Gaudiya Institute

    Comment No: 29464
    Date: 2/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    This letter is to be delivered to Bart Chilton personally;

    I am appalled at what has been allowed by the CFTC in regards to position limits and also the the criminal activity of "naked short selling" by favored institutions. You are not representing the interests of the investing public but have become a patsy to the criminal influence of favored banks and investment houses. I do not need to name these people, you know them all too well.

    How long and in how many ways must we object to this travesty? Who among you has the honor to do what is right? It is such a shame. You people do not realize that this will all end badly. It always has and it will always end badly.

    Truth is a constant, it is forever established within the very make up of ourselves and our nation. To distort it and try and manipulate it will only bring about pain. Truth is self evident, eternal, formidable and will rectify the situation in due course of time. The reaction to distorting the truth is in direct proportion to the abuse of the truth.

    It is now the time to do the right thing Bart. Many people have presented the pure facts to you and the CFTC in plain English. Whistle-blowers and GATA have for years shown how these metal markets have been manipulated by a small group of well connected criminals. When the Hunt brothers were trying to "corner" the silver market, the CFTC immediately reacted with changes in the futures market. This in effect nearly bankrupted the Hunt brothers. But today manipulations of an even greater magnitude have been virtually left untouched. Why is that Bart? Why has there been two years of silver production sold into the market? Why does the price of silver and gold drop precipitously on contract expiration day? Who is doing all this massive manipulation? And Why? It is time to stand up and be a man Bart. It is time to say no to these criminals. Is money really that important to you? Is your personal "situation" more important than doing the job for which you were hired? Who did Gary Gensler work for before coming to the CFTC? This alone says it all.

    No more than 1500 contracts should be allowed to be bought by any bank, institution, or individual in the silver market. Finished.

    Martin Davidson

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