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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: John C Clarke Jr

    Comment No: 29395
    Date: 2/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    It is apparent this continued manipulation of commodities has a two fold purpose. The first is to keep the fat cats who have stolen our government fat and everybody else poor. The Federal Reserve owned by the Builderberg Group, the Rothchilds(criminal parasites and thieves), Queen Elizabeth 2(leech), and tne other controlling families have stolen all the wealth from the people who actually produce it and kept it for themselves.

    The manipulation by JPM Morgan and the other banks controlled by the parasitc criminal groups I listed above will be stopped by revolution whether violent or peaceful. This is coming. These people will be fearing for the lives as they should in the not so distant future. Their efforts to set up a World Dicttatorship through the banks will fail because with the age of the internet too many people are aware of the parastic groups. This group will be targeted when the dollar collapses and impoverishes millions of people throughout America and the world. Millions are preparing to take these families down to initiate permanent imprisonment of them and all the minions like the members of the CFTC board who continue to support the criminal activites of this group I call parasites and con artist.

    Your current illegal covert support of the banks will only lead to all members of the CFTC board to be put in prison where you belong if you do not share the wealth with all the people of this world and stop supporting a few power hungry parasitic leeches who benefit from this arrangment. I warn all members as Gerald Caliente
    said " when you have nothing to loose people are going to loose it". With the advent of the internet we know all the criminal parasites who participate and we will have no choice to pursue all of you and get our justice via revolution if necessary. Have any CFTC members ever been to prison?

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