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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Charles Slavik

    Comment No: 29144
    Date: 2/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    It is time for the CFTC to do its duty as a regulatory body and take action against the criminal manipulation of the price of silver and gold markets specifically and other commodity markets generally.

    The evidence for silver manipulation specifically has been placed on your doorstep by the testimony of whistle-blower Andrew Maguire and the research provided by organizations such as GATA.

    Your failure to act would be a gross dereliction of duty. Allowing a privileged few to profit from a system that is perceived as rigged to their benefit will lead to consequences that will not be of benefit to anyone in the long run.

    The world is becoming educated to the process and does not like what it sees and hears.

    It is long past time for you to act, do your duty and end the crimes being committed under your watch.

    This has been going on for too long and people are getting tired of having crimes committed in front of their own eyes, reporting it to the proper, duly sworn authorities and watching the criminals not only go free, but profit from their criminal activities with the perceived acquiescence of the authorities.

    You can only imagine that people, as they have demonstrated around the world, will only countenance this type of activity for so long before there is a breakdown in the system generally and the society overall.

    Do your job!!

    We the people are growing weary of watching the continued malfeasance of this criminal cabal.

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