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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Chris Demopoulos
    U.S. citizen

    Comment No: 28539
    Date: 2/24/2011

    Comment Text:

    I have been watching the CFTC's pathetic efforts to bring the manipulations of the silver market to an end. Appearently the profits of the manipulators and their cohorts are much more important than enforcement of the Law. The CFTC's proposed contract limit (5000 contracts...are you kidding?) is just another clear example of their total Lack of Duty to the American people. If they weren't so gutless when it comes to standing up to the obvious criminal abuses of the exchange and it's cohorts the lawlessness could have been ended long before generations of people had been ripped off. If the CFTC does not impose a much lower and more meaningful contract limit,( like 1500 contracts or less) I'd have to conclude the only reason their part of the beauracracy exists as do others is to protect the corporate privileges of a few and to INSURE THE PLUNDER FOR PROFIT UNDER THE GUISE OF LAW continues without interference from the commoners.

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