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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Jayasri Basu

    Comment No: 2829
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    Jita Basu
    Friday, January 22, 2010 4:05 PM
    Re: [] Regulation of Retail Forex []
    Dear Secretary:
    I am a novice trader who has opted trading as a career option after losing my job as an Assistant Professor in
    2008. My relentless passion in alleviatin9 human suffering for the past 26 years came to an end when the
    grant supporting my research was no longer funded. Although the results of my findings are published in
    leading peer reviewed joumals, the one most recent published in the
    Journal of AIDS Research and
    Human Retroviruses Volume 25, Number
    3, pages 249-259, 2009;
    in 2008, I was unable to
    secure funding for salary support.
    Trading seemed to be an attractive career option among others. Option trading was off limits to me
    because of my lack of funds. Even though I was employed immediately after obtaining my PhD degree, was
    employed at a single institute for 26+ years and has led a frugal life, however, my savings was limited. The
    1:100 leverage currently available in the Forex Trading allowed me to participate in it with a nominal
    account balance. The economic situation throughout the world in the past year, however, did not allow me
    to make any profit but the 1:100 leverage allowed me to participate in Forex Trading and learn the tools of
    the trade, with an expectation to make a better return of the money with experience.
    I am writing this letter to urgently request you to stop the changes to forex trading rules concerning
    leverage. The leverage is a primary factor that allows persons like me to hold a micro account to cope with
    the existing recession and unemployment. If this leverage is taken away, we have hardly any option to
    survive. Those who have enough funds will resort to foreign trading accounts, and in the long run the
    government will lose the tax revenue that could yield from profitable trades.
    In my opinion, the annoncement in the possible change concerning leverage prior to the Massachusetts
    election was one of the factors leading to Brown's victory. Even though I am not an expert in economics, I
    can surely forsee that the change would only negatively affect the economy. I therefore, would URGE
    NOT to PASS any
    President Obama was elected based on his ability to listen to the concers of the American
    citizens, and I hope he continues listening to us when we voice our concern.
    Jayasri Basu
    A concerned citizen
    Dr. Jayasri Basu
    1584 Colden Avenue
    Bronx, NY10462