Comment Text:
Joel Horton
Friday, January 22, 2010 11:15 AM
proposed leverage changes
I am one of those people that will be drastically effected by your proposed margin change. I quit my job
3 weeks ago to become a full time trader. I don't have a lot of money but I do have enough to make a
nice living and allow me to do it in an environment that does not aggravate a bad back and knee injury.
If these regulations go into effect it is highly likely I will have to give forex trading up and go back to
my full time job. Actually it won't when you guys passes the FIFO rule and other anti free market rules
I began to trade through a UK based company therefore avoid ignorant liberal regulation and also
probably some sort of tax you would make from the broker. By passing this law you will just push more
traders out of the market and off shore and do the inevitable which is reduce the income to the coffers of
the govt. You people do not realize that higher taxes and more onerous regulations do not cause
business to flourish, grow and produce more tax income. It does the opposite. But hey maybe do this is
another pin in the liberal hat. And I tell you what you guys must have 501bs worth of pins in your hat to
cause Ted Kennedy's to go to a REPUBLICAN. And a relatively conservative one at that. If
Massachusetts can go then there is NOT A SINGLE DISTRICT THAT CAN GO. I am sure whomever
is reading this is not elected but you are a bureaucrat that has his job because of an elected official so
you go ahead and continue to make the US a less free market. This week I heard a survey that came out
and said that for the first time in maybe forever America is no longer the freest economy in the world.
Hmmmm lets think how that could have happened. I love this country but not enough to let it destroy
my financial standing and freedom. I will fight to keep America alive BUT if Rome burns and I decide I
cannot put out the fire I will walk away and never look back.