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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 63732

  • From: CT State Legislators Megna, Johnson, Ritter
    Connecticut General Assembly

    Comment No: 26412
    Date: 11/16/2010

    Comment Text:

    Mr. Gary Gensler
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    3 Lafayette Center
    1155 21st Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20581

    Re: RIN 3038-AD01

    Dear Chairmen Gensler:

    We write to express our serious concern about the proposed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules in Sections 726 and 765 of the Dodd-Frank Financial Services Reform Act which are in direct contradiction of the recently passed legislation.

    One of the key goals of the legislation was to have the SEC adopt clear and tough rules that would help to promote fair and open competition in the trading marketplace. It also sought to have the SEC, through these regulations, mitigate systemic risk and conflicts of interest to ensure that competition remained open and fair.

    As members of the Connecticut General Assembly, we strongly oppose allowing dealers to band together under the guise of a 5% cap on ownership by any one entity to avoid a broader class-of-ownership cap. We wrote to our Connecticut legislators during the legislative debate on the bill and continue to strongly believe that the Congressional intent was to prevent the domination of a clearinghouse, swap execution facility or exchange by a small number of dealers.

    As you know, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted an amendment that set a maximum cap of 20% voting control of these entities by the dominant dealers in the existing marketplace which was the basis of the “Lynch” Amendment in the House and Sections 726 and 765 in the final Act.

    We urge you to rule on the side of open and meaningful competition. That intent would be erased by providing a loophole that basically allows a mere 11 dealers to dominate the clearinghouse, control a majority of its members, and dictate decisions of the organization by banding together with shared ownership under 5%.

    Thank you for the opportunity to submit this testimony to you on the important issue.

    Sincerely yours,

    State Representative Robert Megna State Representative Betsy Ritter
    Connecticut 97th District Connecticut 38th District

    State Representative Susan Johnson
    Connecticut 49th District

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