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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: no-replyerulemaking

    Comment No: 2625
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Friday, January 22, 2010 10:59 AM
    Public Submission for 2010-00456
    Public Submission for
    Please refer to the attached file.Please Do Not Reply This Email.
    Public Comments on Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and
    Title: Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and Intermediaries
    FR Document Number: 2010-00456
    Legacy Document ID:
    RIN: null
    Publish Date: Wed Jan 20 00:00:00 EST 2010
    Submitter Info:
    first name Patrick
    last name Stevens
    city Atlanta
    country United States
    us state GA
    zip 30302
    First you come out with Rule 2-43 prohibiting offsetting transactions aka "Hedging". Now you
    want all Introducing Brokers to be guaranteed by RFED's which will be impossible due to the
    staggering amount of capital required plus the risk liability. On top of that you want to reduce
    leverage to 10:1. And you are proposing these changes why? To protect retail traders? Who
    do you think you are fooling?
    Your proposals are clearly intended to destroy the US retail Forex market. Specifically for
    the individual trader with small capital. Why else would you be proposing these regulations?
    The problems of the financial markets with companies like Bear Stearns and AIG which
    caused an economic meltdown had nothing to do with the small individual trader. Even if ten
    thousand small traders blow up their accounts in a single day it wouldn't even cause a ripple
    in the markets.
    Go regulate the derivatives market, credit default swaps or some other area which is
    responsible for the crisis which spurned the call for new regualtions and stay the hell out of
    my business as an individual trader. But somehow I know you won't because clearly your
    intentions are to do the bidding of your oligarch masters who are threatened by the thought of
    the uninitiated creating wealth for themseleves through high leverage and hedged forex
    ps - I will be fowarding a copy of this comment to both my Senators Saxby Chambliss(R-GA)
    & Johnny Isakson (R-GA)