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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Noel W Spencer

    Comment No: 2591
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    noelwspencer@gmail, corn
    Friday, January 22, 2010 10:29 AM
    Forex Regulation
    In respect to your proposal to impose restrictions on forex and other derivative trading, limiting leverage
    to 10:1 you are denying small investors the chance to exercise their fight to take on more risk in their
    investing or trading.
    If I want to take high risk positions with my money I should be allowed to. As long as both parties are
    fully aware of their responsibilities there is nothing wrong. By limiting it you are saying they are not
    capable of making decisions of their own free will. This is not a good president. Or markets are based on
    the transferance of risk from one party to another. Government should protect investors by enforcing
    disclosure and making sure the playing field is level. Not by isolating smaller investors from activities
    that would only be available to the very wealthy. Your actions would be discriminatory and only
    encourage investors to go to foreign markets where proper regulatory over sight is not in place.
    You should concentrate on ensuring that there is proper and full disclosure for investors in all markets.
    That is what investors need
    Your restrictions on limiting leverage are wrong. Let people make their own informed choices.