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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Kelly Norman

    Comment No: 2103
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    Kelly Norman
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 7:05 PM
    secretary < secretary@ C FTC. g ov >
    Regulation of Retail Forex - NO to a decrease of
    To Whom It May Concern:
    I'm a retail forex trader. I'm alsoa small business owner who does contract work and my income
    has been cut back substantially with the downturn in the economy. Retail forex trading allows me
    to make ends meet. Itrade responsibly and utilize proper money management. If the proposed
    change is passed, I will no longer be able to make income I desperately need to survive. The
    leverage will be too low. I'm against the proposed changes 100%. The change will cripple my
    ability to make money (or lose it), but I utilize the system responsibly and have a right to make
    investment decisions such as the amount of leverage Iacceptas a risk. With the current margin
    requirements and appropriate stops in place, I always know my risk and accept it as part of my
    decision. This country has become regulation happy and needs to focus on more pending issues
    such as being accountable for TARP money given out, the amount of debt this Great Nation is
    accumulating, ending the War in Iraq bringing our soldiers home to help the desperate United
    States Citizens. Leave retail forextraders alone. We are a small few who need this income source
    to survive. With the small account I'm able to afford, you will take this last opportunity away from
    me to make my dreams come true. Iwill no longer be able to make the moneyI need and Iwill
    become one of the numbers unable to pay my debts off.
    Thank you for your time.
    Kelly Norman
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