Comment Text:
Joe Personett
Saturday, April 24, 2010 11:21 AM
Metals Hearing
Silver position limits
Dear Sir;
Thank for the opportunity to comment on the issue of position limits for precious metals. Please establish no
speculative position limits in COMEX silver market. The reason I ask you to keep the current system is so
that the sliver market can continue to be manipulated by the big four banks. Please allow this electronic
short manipulation to continue to suppress the price of silver so that the general public can continue to
accumulate real physical silver at these artificially low prices. Please don't restrict any hedging exemptions
in any way to any illegitimate or legitimate hedgers. Please don't stop the levels of concentration in COMEX
silver futures that have been experienced over the past few years on the short side of the market. By now
you must know that manipulation of the precious metals markets is fooling no one. Please allow the world
largest ponze scheme to continue until it comes crashing down in one spectacular spectacle.
Best Ever,
Joe Personett
True bravery is always an act of love.., of family and friends, of truth, duty, and honor. To
stand and face the unknown requires that we care for something more than ourselves. There
is no greater act than to move forward with our heart, while our mind tells us to flee. -