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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Trevor Chilton

    Comment No: 1836
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected] on behalf of
    Trevor Chilton
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 1 : 19 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    CFTJan21 .doc; ATT00002.txtJanuary 21,2010
    Trevor Chilton
    Costa Rica
    David Stawick
    Secretary Commodity ¯ Futures Trading Commision
    1155 21st Street N.W.
    DC 20581
    RE: Regulation of Retail Forex RIN 3038-AC61
    Well congratulations are indeed in order for your office has indeed exceeded
    the normal level of completely brain dead, meddling, idiotic, useless, stupid, ill
    conceived ideas ever coming from bureaurats. I will make no apologies for
    my strong language enclosed in this message as being polite most certainly
    will not get your attention as if anything will nor does being polite show what
    contempt I have for you for thinking you have any right to run my business.
    FYI I am a full time trader that lives in Costa Rica not in the great communist
    state of USA. Your proposal here would, I am most certain, be what Lenin
    and Stalin would think to be a wonderful idea however in the real world of free
    enterprise your concept to put it mildly is offensive aside from being complete
    useless and ineffective. The following are my list of why such nonsense
    should not be considered and if the collective IQ of your office was any higher
    than that of a turnip you should have figured this out long before releasing this
    crap to the public.
    What I choose to risk in my business is my business it is not your
    business or anyone else's for that matter. Risk is a part of any
    business and is assessed by those successful at business in how to
    manage such without risk there is never a gain in anything. Any good
    economy is based on such without it there just is not going to be
    economic prosperity.
    B. Your office has zero capacity in advising me how I should manage my
    risk in this or any other business for that matter.
    Your proposal would in fact destroy any profit potential that exists in my
    business I would stop trading if these conditions were ever imposed
    upon me (in your dreams such will happen) by such wise soles as
    yourselves after all I am just an idiot that should bow to Caesar!
    These margins have been in effect for decades without causing any
    kind of mass financial disaster such as those that your office or similar
    types of offices have so handily supervised and regulated over these
    past years. As the saying goes if it works do not fix it. Well this system
    has worked fine for many years and has no need for you clowns to
    come and screw with it.Yes those that do not learn how to manage their risk in this business
    can and often do loose money until they either quit trading or learn how
    to do it like thousands of other traders do. However with that being
    said changing the margins only dumbs it down to a lower common
    denominator of fool that should not be a trader in the first place and I
    hate to inform you of this but what the system does not need is many
    more stupid traders and that is all that this proposal is going to do is
    breed a larger amount of people that should not be in the business in
    the first place.
    Today there is a greater supply of competent private education sources
    for traders than ever in the past to help them educate themselves and
    ALL OF THESE first and fore most teach risk management hence the
    tools are already in place for those that do their homework in learning
    how to be a trader and how to manage their margins and risk levels
    without some moron in Washington telling them how to I might add!
    G. Your proposal is sooooooo incredibly non-functional in practical reality
    it is not funny. Only a bureaurat with his head firmly planted up his ass
    could come up with something so fucking stupid and out of the zone of
    reality. Yes the retail forex trading market has grown exponentially
    over the past ten years. Gee I wonder why that is??? Might it be due
    to a new novel concept called the Internet perhaps you fools in
    Washington have heard of it???? Well those of us out there in the real
    world have not only heard of it but discovered that we can now trade
    like an institution now that we have on-line platforms from all over the
    fucking world to use. Now that is where the joke of this whole story
    there-in lies. I ask you one elementary question, why should or would
    a trader like myself allow a bunch of brain dead fools to come and
    destroy our businesses when we can simple click a mouse a few times
    to move our business and assets to elsewhere in the world that has
    respect for our inalienable right to conduct our business as we see fit
    rather than by some over paid fat cat fool in Washington? You think
    the US industrial machine has problems with outsourcing and all
    manufacturing moving off shore well that is nothing compared to the
    shit storm you are going to stir up with your moronic ideas. With typical
    outsourcing it can take years for a US corporation to move off shore
    however in today's digital age that is nothing compared to the speed
    that funds can and will exit from US based brokerage accounts it will be
    so fast and vicious it will have your heads spinning. You will have
    many brokerage firms firing most of their staff as their funds on deposit
    disappear in a puff of smoke and I might add when you piss the
    customer like me off you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER get another chance
    we are gone for ever. The only thing your stupid proposal will create
    here will be a total blood bath of this industry, US based jobs provided
    by this industry will dry up by a minimum of 75% as the smart money
    flees the sinking ship!!!!!!
    H. To be equally blunt, to fit in with the rest of my message, I saw this
    coming with the type of stupid rules being imposed upon me by theNFA back in August. When some group of all knowing all seeing fools
    start to tell me how to run my business and how they are removing
    valuable tools that I need to function my business because they know
    better than me then I say it is time to relocate to friendlier more
    intelligent jurisdictions. If you should take your collective heads out of
    your ass for long enough (not very likely) you might actually realize that
    there is dozens of locations outside of the US that are more than glad
    to handle my accounts and earn fees from me without interfering in
    how I run my business. All this accomplished with a few clicks of a
    mouse, no brick and mortar type of business problems to resolve in this
    type of move and all done at the speed of light. Hence I exited the
    good old communist state of USA back in October as I refuse to have
    assholes like you run my business for me. Now I was in the first wave
    and many of your fellow American traders have not had such a violent
    reaction to the first onslaught of unacceptable changes but this new all
    out attack on the traders' rights will not be acceptable to the majority of
    such and they will simply drop off of your radar. Their money and the
    jobs it produces will be gone forever!!! WELCOME TO THE
    My final big issue is to question even what are you think you are really
    trying to accomplish here in the fist place other than to piss off the
    traders hence destroying an entire industry? What is it you fools think
    you are accomplishing that can't be described as fixing what is not
    broke? I have another suggestion for you, why not take the man-hours
    of your employees and start working on fixing the huge problems you
    have created in the international financial markets. Have you thought
    maybe you should look at solving the real problems of the consumers
    at large and the entire USA economy? Your fuck ups created by Wall
    Street have caused huge damage all over the world as your lack of
    regulatory authority have been demonstrated by wonderful examples of
    what Enron and the sub-prime fiasco have caused to financial markets.
    When you fix these problems that obviously scream out for more and
    much tighter regulation of the big fish (thieves of Wall Street) then and
    only then those of us small fish that you want to regulate to death might
    consider your regulation or opinion of any relevance what so ever. You
    bureaurats have sat on your asses while the investment bankers
    created phony Enron paper that then had their retail arms sell that
    same crap onto the suspecting public and you did zip to stop it or fix it
    after it happened when even the most basic of financial moron could
    figure out there was something seriously wrong in the regulation of
    securities off of Wall street. Not a single person even tried over this
    conflict of interest and scam, my isn't that effective regulation to protect
    the public???? No in effect you have protected the perpetrators of
    these scams not the victims of such. If that was not bad enough now
    they have done the same dam thing all over again but on a much more
    ambitious scale to flog the same type of crap paper, being sub-primes
    to victims all over the world, all under your so called regulation. To
    say the least Washington should be embarrassed about what they
    oversaw and regulated with the same effectiveness as hiring a fox toguard the chicken coop! Now why don't you fools go work on
    something big that clearly needs fixing but has not been fixed yet! Hell
    it is not even being discussed as to how this happened or why this final
    gargantuan fuckup even occurred off of Wall Street in the first place.
    Hence it is going to happen again and the bankers and brokers
    (thieves) of Wall Street will continue doing the same shit AND YET
    one real sad, sad, sad joke!
    This proposal is nothing but a bad joke that only a fool would follow in the first
    place and that is all that will follow this new method all the real players are
    going to become ghosts just like I have done.
    This reminds me of a something Einstein said, "Only two thing are infinite the
    universe and the depth of human stupidity and I have some doubts about the
    universe." Well your proposed changes certainly prove he was right on the
    depth of human stupidity.
    Join the real world with the rest of us and garbage can this garbage!!!
    With total disgust and amazement,
    Trevor Chilton
    Costa RicaPlease find attached a response to this ridiculous legislation.