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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Garth Gillespie

    Comment No: 1781
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    G Gillespie
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:47 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    David Stawick, Secretary Commodity
    Futures Trading Commision
    RE: RIN 3038-AC61
    Dear Mr. Stawick,
    I would like to comment on the possible decision of the CFTC to alter margin requirements for FOREX trading.
    Although we are a small firm I believe our input would be valuable. As it stands, based on hedging regulations previously
    inputted into the system we made a collective decision to remove all of our trading from U.S. based brokers. The brokers have
    made sufficient efforts to accommodate firms such as ours, and we have been re-considering moving our business back to the
    U.S. However implementation of the proposed margin requirements would result in a resounding "No" and our business would
    remain outside of the U.S.
    I do not believe implementing such regulation would benefit anyone save for those who should likely not be in a leveraged
    market to begin with. The FOREX industry is excellent at providing free trial accounts for one to determine if indeed they
    should be trading in a leveraged environment. I believe this to be unparallelled in any other industry and is more than fair
    warning as to whether one should be trading live dollars or not.
    I must believe other firms have made similar moves to ours as our overseas brokers explained a flood of new business from
    the U.S. based on the last decision. I can only think the implementation of this proposed legislation would be absolutely
    disastrous for the industry as a whole. This no doubt would cost jobs in an already suffering economic climate.
    I thank you for reading this message and hope this possible decision is not implemented.
    Garth Gillespie
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