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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Elizabeth A Zembruski
    John & Hengerer

    Comment No: 17355
    Date: 4/26/2010

    Comment Text:

    Elizabeth Zembruski
    Monday, April 26, 2010 12:11 PM
    Keith. [email protected]
    Proposed Federal Speculative Position Limits for Referenced Contracts and
    Associated Regulations
    Encana Comments on CFTC Position Limits NOPR (filed 04-26-10).pdf
    Dear Secretary Stawick:
    Attached please find the "Comments of Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. on Proposed Federal Speculative Position Limits for
    Referenced Contracts and Associated Regulations."
    Elizabeth A. Zembruski
    John & Hengerer
    1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.
    Suite 600
    Washington, D.C. 20036
    (202) 429-8800
    Counsel for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.April 26, 2010
    David Stawick, Secretary
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20581
    Comments of Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, on Proposed Federal Speculative Position
    Limits for Referenced Contracts and Associated Regulations
    Dear Secretary Stawick:
    Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. (Encana) submits these comments on the Commodity Futures Trading
    Commission's (Commission) proposed rule on Federal speculative position limits for futures and
    options contracts in four energy commodities.
    As background, Encana is a subsidiary of Encana
    Corporation, one of the world's leading natural gas companies, active in the exploration, development,
    production, and marketing of natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs). Encana is actively engaged ~n
    the exploration, drilling, production and gathering of natural gas in the United States. Encana uses
    hedges to manage its commercial risks related to its production, sale and transportation of natural gas.
    Encana would first like to comment on one of the eighteen questions posed by the Commission in the
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR). In response to question thirteen, Encana encourages the
    Commission to not proceed with the instant rulemaking until Congress passes legislation that provides
    the Commission with the authority to set Federal speculative position limits in all of the venues that may
    be affected by excessive speculation, specifically over-the-counter markets (OTC) and on foreign
    boards of trade (FBOT). Encana is concerned that the Commission's proposal to adopt Federal
    speculative position limits that do not take into account positions held in the OTC markets will not
    provide an accurate assessment of market activity and may confuse market participants. It is also
    concerned that the Commission will need to revise any regulations adopted in this rulemaking to make
    them consistent with derivatives-related legislation that may be passed by Congress in the future.
    Encana takes no position on whether the Commission should adopt the specific Federal speculative
    position limits proposed in the NOPR. However, if the Commission elects to proceed with this
    rulemaking, Encana submits the following comments on, and requests clarification of, certain aspects of
    the reporting requirements proposed in the NOPR based upon its review of Form 404.
    Federal Speculative Position Limits for Referenced Contracts and Associated Regulations, 75 Fed, Reg.
    4144 (proposed Jan, 26, 2010),
    303.623.2400The '~Vhen to Report" section of the proposed "Instructions for Preparing and Filing Reports on CFTC
    Form 404" (Instructions) advises a respondent to "transmit the form in a machine readable format
    and/or submit the form electronically" to the Commission's New York office. However, as currently
    drafted, the Instructions do not provide sufficient detail regarding how a respondent should
    electronically submit Form 404 to the Commission. For example, should Form 404 be emailed to the
    Commission's New York office? The Commission should clarify what forms of electronic submission
    are available to respondents.
    Encana encourages the Commission to establish either (1) an internet-based electronic reporting
    system that would enable a respondent to use interactive data entry screens to submit Form 404 to the
    or (2) an electronic filing system that would enable a respondent to upload and
    electronically file a tillable Form 404 with the Commission.
    Encana believes that an electronic
    reporting system or an electronic filing system would (1) reduce the reporting burden placed on a
    respondent by decreasing the amount of time that it takes to complete and file Form 404, and (2)
    enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information reported to the Commission in Form 404 by
    reducing the opportunity for reporting errors and permitting the data to be more expeditiously uploaded
    to tr~e Commission's database(s).
    In addition, Encana encourages the Commission to clarify the following aspects of proposed Form 404:
    For Part B of Form 404, please clarify whether "Bona Fide Hedging Requirement"
    reporting is only required if a respondent's positions exceed the Federal speculative
    position limits set by the Commission.
    In Part ~3 of Form 404, which forward period would a respondent report in the "Date"
    field? For example, as of April 20, 2010, would "Date" apply to: (i) al~ forward contract
    months from the prompt month (May 2010); (ii) just the prompt month (May 2010); (iii)
    the remainder of the calendar year (May 2010 through December 2010); or (iv) some
    other period?
    In Part B of Form 404, at the close of business on the last Friday of the month, would a
    respondent report positions entered into during the month for the prompt month or report
    the company's cumulated hedge position at the end of the month?
    The Instructions for Form 404 state that a respondent should "report monthly as of the
    close of business on the last Friday of the month." However, the NYMEX natural gas
    futures contract expires on the third to last business day of the preceding month
    the May 2010 contract expires on April 28, 2010). By reporting on the last Friday of the
    month, in some cases the prompt month will be a few days away and in some cases it
    For exam pie, several weekly and monthly forms are electronically filed with the Energy Information
    Administration through its PC Electronic Data Reporting Option (PEDRO) which allows a respondent to manually
    enter the data using interactive data entry screens. Another example of this type of an e;ectronic reporting
    system is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Electronic Quarterly Report (EQR) which
    requires a respondent to download the software which is used to manually enter data and electronically file the
    EQR with FERC.
    For example, a respondent must download and complete a tillable Form No. 552 (Annual Report of
    Natural Gas Transactions) from the FERC website, and then electronically ~e the completed form using FERC's
    eFi]ing system.will be almost five weeks away. ls this the Commission's intention? Should the
    Commission use a different date for Form 404?
    If a respondent uses the NYMEX West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures contract to
    hedge its NGL production, under which of the referenced energy contracts set forth in
    Part B of Form 404 should these positions be reported
    "Crude OiJ," "Crude Oil -
    Other," or "Natural Gas Products")?
    Any fixed prioe natural gas contract in North America can be decomposed into the
    combination of a NYMEX fixed price swap and a basis swap. Should all fixed price
    natural gas positions
    not just those directly tied to the NYMEX natural gas price) be
    included in the data reported in Part B of Form 404?
    Please cladfy the purpose of reporting "unsold anticipated commercial services" in Part
    B of Form 404. Since this information appears to be planned information, please clarify
    whether this information need only be reported once and then supplemented in future
    Form 404 reports if information changes.
    In Part 8 of Form 404, please revise the section entitled "Unsold anticipated commercial
    services or output (Sales)" to provide a blank space directly under the "Most Recent
    Fiscal Year," "2rid Most Recent Fiscal Year," and "3rd Most Recent Fisca~ Year." This
    btank space will enable the respondent to insert the fisca~ year for which information is
    being reported in the applicable column.
    In Part C of Form 404, the Commission should revise the form to provide a reference to
    the definition of "Swap Dealer" in the Commission's regulations.
    Encana appreciates the opportunity to file comments on the Commission's Federal speculative position
    limits proposal, and asks the Commission to take the recommendations and comments set forth above
    into consideration in this rulemaking.
    Keith M. Sappenfietd, II
    Director, US Regulatory Affairs, Midstream & Marketing
    Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.