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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Mel Spencer

    Comment No: 1725
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    Mel Spencer
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:03 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex, R1N 3038-AC61
    Concerning the 'Regulation of Retail Forex' identification number RIN
    Restricting the leverage to 10:1 for the retail Forex customer accounts
    is unfair and personally disastrous (item 1). I am strongly opposed to
    such a move.
    1. This is the fourth year of my training with a serious commitment of
    money and time. I was ready to transition this year into a full time
    trader. This move will obstruct this effort.
    2. Reward is related to risk. Restricting the risk, restricts my
    reward. Success is rarely achieved without an appropriate opportunity
    for failure.
    3. The Forex market is not for the naive and unprepared. All parties
    concerned have warned that the funds involved are at risk. They should
    be funds that are expendable.
    4. This is the one pure unencombered market for the retail trader.
    5. The ability to succeed is much higher than the Lottery's, a common
    legal opportunity that people have to lose their fortunes, unfetterd by
    leverage (or other) controls with an almost guaranteed loss of funding.
    Please consider that there are trading strategies that depend on high
    leverage where the risk is controlled by money management. One of these
    strategies has already been damaged by the limitation on leverage put in
    last fall by the restriction from 400:1 to 100:1.
    I am not a bank. I was not at risk of collapse last year or the year
    before. Please don't help me by taking away my future income. Please
    don't punish me for my sane, deliberate approach to trading by removing
    the possibility of gathering the reward.
    Mel Spencer