Comment Text:
Mark Helton
Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:00 AM
FX Trading Leverage %
Hello Govt Officials,
You guys do not need to mess with this process. Your just mad individuals are able to make some
money and stop having to worry about your control of their lives. Get the heck out of the business of
controlling us and let us be. We are tired of you stupid laws that restrict us from making money with our
own money. I have no problem with drug and alcohol regulations, but you already manipulate our
currancy and make money from the tax payers by leveraging our payments to your advantage. We tell
you idiots everyday how bad that is for us but you ignore us as the national debt grow and grows. I do
not use your public services and I am unemployed.. Why is so bad that we have opportunities to
leverage our own assets and you do not like it. I do not even trade currancy so get over yourselves.
Solve some real problems like get some unemployment pay.
Democracy is becoming a synonym of control.
Mark V. Helton