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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: James Maher

    Comment No: 1483
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    james maher
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 2:01 AM
    Regulation of retail forex
    Dear Sirs,
    I am very up set with the regulations that have been imposed upon retail forex traders during the past
    year through NFA rules. It is down right criminal to impose these unreasonable guidelines and at the
    same time let the banking industry continue with their fraud unchecked. In fact, these rules you impose
    are very much in the banks favor. You are coddling criminals and denying the rights of traders like
    myself to earn a living during these tough times. You take food from my table in order to insure that the
    bankers will continue to get their bonuses.
    The result of your dismantling the US retail forex industry will be seen in the loss ofj obs and revenue
    that our country needs. You serve not our society as a whole but serve an elite society who's goal is
    monopolize all wealth.
    How can you possibly follow through with these plans? This is just another example of the insanity that
    has taken hold of those who are in places of leadership in our country. You do the opposite of what
    reason would dictate. The people said no to TARP and they say no to Quantitative Easing, and we are
    saying no to such as these measures which you are administering now. 10:1 leverage only insures that
    the small trader can not trade using the same methods that the banks employ. This is clearly a move in
    favor of the banks!
    Sirs, you are criminals if you continue on this path. If you have any conscience at all, any love of liberty,
    any respect for the generations of Americans that sacrificed to make possible the life style you have
    enjoyed up to this point, stop and do the right thing!
    Do what is right!
    James Maher