Comment Text:
[email protected]
Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:32 AM
RIN 3038-AC61
To whom it may concern:
I am sending this email in response to your proposed legislation on raising the margins on retail forex markets
from 100:1 to 10:1 and i have to question your motives as a goverment body.It appears that by your doing this
that you will effectively shut out small traders which would allow the retail forex market to return from where they
started back to banking and finnancial institutions as well goverments of countries.With the present state of the
economy and the fact that the majority of the mess we are in was created by banks and financial
institutions which were just bailed out to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars some of which were my tax
dollars and will probably be some of my grand childrens dollars before its paid off i have to ask why?If your
motives are being pressed from above i would encourage you to vote no because what is pressuring you to direct
this won,t be there very long the first warning shot was just fired in the Massachusetts elections and we as
citizens are getting sick of goverment intervention in every aspect of our lives.As a small trader you will affect my
lively hood as a trader at a time when theres not much else out there that people without a lot of money even
have the hope of bettering themselves and without hope you have nothing.We all wanted change, well we got
change a change that is uniting us not against and enemy from beyond our borders but and enemy from within
our borders .So which side are you standing on the side of the people or the goverment choose wisely.
Michael King