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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Christian Berrigan
    Enterprise Data Solutions LLC

    Comment No: 1374
    Date: 1/20/2010

    Comment Text:

    Christian Berrigan
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:34 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    January, 20, 2010
    David Stawick, Secretary Commodity
    Futures Trading Commision
    1155 21st Street, N.W.,
    Washington, DC 20581
    Re: Proposed changes to allowed leverage in FOREX trading
    Dear Mr. Stawick and all others concerned:
    I'm making this brief in the hope you will read it. PLEASE READ THIS.
    I have invested years in studying and learning forex trading. My investment in this market has been similar to an
    education that others would have paid tens of thousands of dollars to accomplish.
    At every step along the way, I have been responsible for my own decisions and my successes and failures.
    I am a person of modest means, and the current leverage available to me in the FOREX market makes it a venue
    that provides me with the opportunity to better my life and become a more productive taxpayer, a better
    parent, and even fund future business ventures that will employ others.
    If your proposed changes to leverage take place, it will basically nullify all my efforts all these years, as I will not
    be able to acquire enough starting capital to make my years of education pay off in any meaningful way.
    It would be the equivalent of telling a medical student, poised for graduation, that you have changed the laws
    and his credentials will be worthless. Would you tell a final year med student, "Sorry, but despite your huge
    investment in your education, we are going to regulate it away to worthlessness".
    Please do not do this. Please allow me to continue to take responsibility for my successes and failures, and do
    not regulate my investment of time and money into oblivion.
    Thank you for your sincere consideration of this matter.
    Christian Berrigan
    [email protected]
    Enterprise Data Solutions, LLC
    Cell: 360-546-1364
    FAX: 360-859-4594