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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Terry Roe

    Comment No: 11692
    Date: 4/17/2010

    Comment Text:

    Terry and Iris Roe
    14343 Denve~ Rd W
    Omaha, All. 72662
    Phone (870)426-5149
    April 17~ 2010
    David Stawick
    United States Com mod ity Futures Trading Comm
    Dear Mr, Stawick
    It was brought to nay attention by our propane provider that the CFTC has proposed
    Federal Speculative position limits on energy. I urge you to please pass this, I am a small
    poultry grower in Arkansas and over the past five years I have seen prices go from $,50 to
    $1,85 a gallon Ibr contracted prices, Ttlis is far less than normal households pay. People
    and tanners too have been cut, Our pay has been cut over 8%, but our expenses stay the
    same. Washington can bail out all these big businesses and expect us, the little people to
    pay for it, Then you have speculators on wall street running up the prices ol!energy and
    we are
    expected to
    pay for that so
    can make more
    We ~he
    of the
    United States can't afford to pay anymore,
    There are old people that
    have to decide if they
    want to s~ay
    warm in the
    winter or buy their meds, I
    like all the other Americans, I'm
    tired ofhavlng to pay more for gas and propane because some guy on Wall Street buys up
    a bunch and runs the prices up, So 1 again 1. ask that you pass this bill to help all