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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Donald J McAllister
    McAllister The Service Company

    Comment No: 11676
    Date: 4/20/2010

    Comment Text:

    The Service Oompany
    7116 Park Avenue
    ~ P.O.
    Box 1327
    ¯ Pennsauken, NJ 08109
    April 20, 2010
    David Stawick~ Secretary
    U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21
    Street, NW
    Washington, D,C. 20581
    (856) 665-4545 or (800) ~2~-49.~
    Comments on Proposed Speculative Position Limits for Energy
    Dear Mr. Stawick;
    McAllister is a firm that distributes Heating Oil to Residential, Commercial, and
    Industrial customers in the Seven County Area of Southern New Jersey. (Burlington
    County and South,) We also install and service Central Air Conditioning and Central
    Heating systems of all types plus Domestic Hot Water Heating and other types of Home
    comfort equipment in the same geographical area.
    ;,. ,,.;:;~., , .;,"o,,.~,.~.:,,..,.
    The Petroleum..Marketers Association of America and the New England Institute
    submitted comments on April 9, 2010;t~giarding the proposed,rule, to implement
    speculatiye position limits for futures anddpti0ns.for natural gas, crude.oiL_ heating oil
    and gasoline, which I endorse.
    ~ '~
    .... .. . ~... ~.: ~ .
    Futures marketS weredesigned as a toolfor bona ifide ,c.~mm~r"Ciial bgSifi(s;s and end-
    use}s tO manage risk and. d~scovery, .pric~s fo.r..ene,, d ongupply aiad demand
    ecdnomics~ BUSinesses. an~. consumers.r.e.!y on these markets and are hai~med when they
    gX(~ively: volatile or subject.t£extrem
    pric.e ~iaock,s, as we ~aw with the
    2007-2008 energy bubble. Inthe past ten years, S'uct{ e;cents have become Common and
    federa! regulators failed to take ~issertive action to address the causes and to restore
    confidence in the energy, futures
    By.~sttengdieiii~gand.passin~ this propose.d rulemaking, the Commission has an
    opportunity io }ake an important step in this regard. It will be addressing the main
    cause of.recent,market instability-excessii)e SPeculation.. Financial inv, estors, including
    banks, tiedge-funds and index funds, speculate in the erlgr'gy. C~min0di[i~s markets for
    profit, rather ,than commodity-related businesses and users, ~ho a0 S6 to proteCt
    themselves .from volatility and risk. Speculators take on the risk that hedgers seek to
    shed, however speculation should not dominate the markets., Moreover, one speculator
    or cla~s.,£,.f ;p..e,culator should not be ~lloWed'to take 'alarge, controlling position in any
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    Residential ~ ~n~ne}~i}~l
    ' ",! '::: , .' :::" . , ~,e,atin@~. Hea~.Pumps:.., .; ,....
    Heating Fuel
    Maintenande~gr~errlent~ -<,-., ' . Cer!tral Air, C.onditionjng* .A.tti¢ Fans aAi# Pu¢ifidati0n ....... '":" ' '" OffR0'ad
    NJ Lic: 13VH01444000 ...... ::
    0n ~
    Energy Sawng Controls. '.-' .... , .: .... . .,: ;Kerosene
    Find uson:the interriet: ' E-,rnail ~s: [email protected]
    The Commission has a statutory obligation, if not compelling moral obligation to
    establish hard limits on the size of positions that speculators can take in these markets,
    and to bar them from exemptions. The rule that has been proposed is not perfect, and
    again, I strongly urge the technical improvements suggested by my comments.
    In considering the .rule, Commissioners must look past the opposition by the financial
    community and remember the affect that excessive speculation has on businesses like
    mine, my consumers and the broader economy. It should establish restrictive
    speculative position limits, and implement them expeditiously, before we see a repeat of
    the 2007-2008 energy bubble and another major shock to a country still recovering from
    Respectfully yours,
    ..The Service Company
    Donald J. McAllister
    Enc: 1