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Comments for Proposed Rule 76 FR 77728

Proposed Rule  76 FR 77728  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

17 CFR Parts 37 and 38 Process for a Designated Contract Market or Swap Execution Facility To Make a Swap Available To Trade


Related Videos:

View Roundtable Video Part I

View Roundtable Video Part II


Open Date: 12/14/2011
Closing Date: 2/13/2012
See also:
78 FR 36606 ,  6/4/2013  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

17 CFR Parts 37 and 38 Process for a Designated Contract Market or Swap Execution Facility To Make a Swap Available to Trade, Swap Transaction Compliance and Implementation Schedule, and Trade Execution Requirement Under the Commodity Exchange Act

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02/13/201276 FR 77728DavidMcIndoeThe Commercial Energy Working Group
02/13/201276 FR 77728ChrisYoungISDA/FIA/SIFMA
02/13/201276 FR 77728LauraHarperManaged Funds Association
02/13/201276 FR 77728WarrenDavisSutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP, on behalf of the Federal Home Loan Banks
02/13/201276 FR 77728MarcusSchuelerMarkit
02/13/201276 FR 77728BenMacdonaldBloomberg L.P.
02/13/201276 FR 77728ChristopherFerreriWholesale Markets Brokers Association, Americas
02/13/201276 FR 77728GusSauterVanguard
02/13/201276 FR 77728TimothyCameronAsset Management Group, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
02/13/201276 FR 77728WaynePestoneFX Alliance Inc (FXall)