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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Damon Jacobucci

    Comment No: 3532
    Date: 1/24/2010

    Comment Text:

    damon j acobucci
    Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:32 PM
    regulations of retail forex
    I had to write and inform you of my opinion and feelings about your newest forex regulation
    proposal. It is absolutely ridiculous and Is a serious infringement on the citzens personal freedoms.
    Requiring more capital to trade at a lower leverage is something you should be levying on the Banks and
    Institutions that caused the current financial meltdown and crisis, not at forex retail traders who are
    trying to make a profit from a financial vehicle that gives us an oppurtunity to contribute to our own
    financial success. This is nothing more than stepping on the little man. If you want to lower the leverage,
    to protect the inept trader from financial suicide. It wont help him or her. It will only let the suicide take
    longer. The rules are plainly spelled out my every major broker. Dont risk funds you can't afford to lose.
    You are squashing the american dream for the retail trader. The forex market offers us the American
    Dream. To accumulate wealth through hard work and dedication to a chosen field. In my opinion, and
    the opinion of all the forex traders that I personally know. You have already done more than enough in
    police-ing the forex arena. The futures Market is who you need to turn your attention to. The one's who
    traded in derivitives and Mortgage securities and caused our country's current Pre-depression status that
    we find ourselves in. Forex traders didn't ask for and recieve bailout money, and didnt ask the taxpayers
    to pay us ridiculous bonuses for melting down the U.S. economy. I hope you take this letter and the
    letters of the scores of fx brokers and traders you receive seriously. I hope you will see the error in the
    policy's you are trying to impose on ordinary citzens trying to get ahead and support our family's and
    stop trying to impead our progress to protect the profits of future's traders who resent our participation in
    the market. This smacks of gross misuse of power. You should protect the country from those that are
    abusing other peoples money, not those who are merely trying to manage their own. We dont need your
    help in this matter.
    Damon Jacobucci retail forex trader