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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: John Arend

    Comment No: 1541
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    John Arend
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 4:43 AM
    Dear CFTC Secretary,
    I have spent much time and effort to acquire knowledge about Forex Trading including months of Demo
    trading, with the hope of being able to make a living by using the present margin arrangement. I can
    determine my maximum margin and leverage Trading as an former Securities Analyst with a British
    Brokerage Firm, an MBA, and many years of business experience. I am too old to be hired after a lay off
    from a Teaching position here in Southern California. I must become self-employed but cannot be
    successful in Forex trading without the leverage of 100 to one.
    The proposed cftc rule helps the rich and leaves out the opportunity for those of us who need to use
    leverage in our trading in a manner that enables us to support a family. Such a decrease in leverage by
    the cftc will contribute to thousands of middle-class people becoming unemployed and unable to support
    a family. My training and investment in learning how to trade Forex would be wasted and I would have
    to start all over again to learn another means of livelihood.
    Please do not change the present Trading margin requirements. Focus your rule-changing efforts on
    restoration of the Up-Tick rule to prevent those ETF's who use short trading to manipulate stock prices
    for the purpose of putting companies out of business and thousands of people out of wor!!
    John Arend