Comment Text:
Jeff Simonton
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:02 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex
Dear Mr. Stawick,
I am emailing to voice my opinion on the regulation of Retail Forex. I am very concerned about the CTFC
considering the notion of limiting leverage to 10:1 for spot forex traders. This would be a complete
injustice and rob us of the right to choose the leverage that we are comfortable in trading. The freedom to
choose belongs to the people and should not be imposed by government agencies. Regulations were
enacted to stop average people from being able to day trade the stock market, and this proposed change
would have the same end result for Forex. It would be an outrage to once again only allow the wealthy the
ability to trade a market in the manner of their choosing. The American Voters want and deserve the ability
to choose. I have no problems with regulations that ensure all Forex brokers are conducting business in a
trustworthy and legitimate fashion, but taking power from every day traders is wrong in every way, shape,
and form. Please vote to maintain Retail Forex as it currently exists.
Jeffrey A. Simonton