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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Jewell F Johnson
    Pioneer Propane Company Inc

    Comment No: 11690
    Date: 4/16/2010

    Comment Text:

    April 16, 2010
    David Stawick
    United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    21st Street,
    Washington, D.C. 20581
    Subject: Comments on P~oposed Speeulatlve Position Limits for Energy
    I am writing this letter no ~Lrge you to pass l~gisla~ion controlling
    excessive speculation in the energy market.
    I operate a propan~ business in the State of Arkansas whsre we provide
    propane to around 4,000 homes and businesses. This product is used for
    everything from engine fuel to heat for poultry farms and homes, I am
    very concerned with the extreme f],ucuatlon I see in priees in the energy
    market. In years before speculators the Drice chnnged very little over
    s period of several months, Now the price changes every d~y and as much
    as i0 to 12 e~nts in one day. Daily flucuation in prices such as this
    make ~t very d±fficul~ to operate this business. It is extremely import~n~
    ~o consider the consumer in all =his. As you know our economy ~s very weak
    now to say the least and this is caused, or at least made much worse, by
    Wall S~ree~ speculators. ~ have s typical retail business providing
    to consumers
    ~ust like several thousand others across this country.
    We have customers who a~s good honest, hardworking taxpayers and citizens
    who ~an't affor@ to keep their homes warm during winter months because
    the price of heating fuel %s being inflated so much hy Wall Street traders.
    I think it is completely deplorable that Wall S~raet has been allowed
    affect energy prices in such a dras=ic way. 011 prices should be determined
    by the fundamentals of supply and demand. If speculative trading were
    removed from the ~neTgy mark~ oil would re~urn to a much lower level which
    would affect many segments of our economy in a very positive way. %n recent
    times we hear "stimulus packages" mentione4 many times which is in~ended ~o
    revitalize our e~onomy. What be~ter stimulus could there/t~an to put
    immediate money into the hand8 of the consumers rather than in ~he greedy
    pockets of Wall S~ree~,
    As a business owner and a vary concerned citizen of =hls country I implore
    you ~o pass legislation ~o control excessivevspeculation by Wall Street.
    I do appre¢~[e the ~ortun±ty to comment on the proposed legislation.
    Pion~'er P~o~ Company, Inc.
    P. 0. Box 8~
    Harrison, AR 72687