Comment Text:
Kimberly Fleming
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:18 PM
secreta ry < secreta ry@ C FTC. g ov >
Proposed Leverage Changes for Forex
Kimberly Hoover
770 182nd Ave. East
Redington Shores, FL. 33708
To Whom it May Concern,
I am writing to say that I am in opposition to any proposed leverage change for retail Forex
customers. Reducing the current 100:1 leverage to 10:1 will drastically change my ability to trade
in an intraday or longer term time frame. In a 10:1 senario in order for me to control $10K in
currency I would have to have $1000 in available margin with my broker, currently I only need
$100. That isa huge difference! HUGE!
I understand the risks invovled with trading this market, I understand that the capital I use
while trading it is capital that does not affect my lifestyle or the lifestyle of my family. However,
changing the leverage requirement WILL effect my family! Will we now lose the extra income that
trading the Forex market provides? Icould possibly lose the ability to stay in a trade fora
significant amount of time, thereby losing Forex generated extra income for my family!
I ask that you please consider dropping this proposal. Iam quite satisfied with the current
system. Thank you for your consideration.
Kimberly Hoover
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