Meeting Date:
Friday, June 12, 2020
CFTC Staff:
Dorothy DeWitt
Marilee Dahlman
Joe Otchin
David Steinberg
Eleni Gousgounis
Managed Funds Association (MFA)
External Attendees:
Stephen Berger (Citadel LLC)
Roya Doud (HBK Capital)
Hunter Landrum (Two Sigma)
Edgar Ortega Barrales (Two Sigma)
Brooke Bernstein (Tudor Investments)
Caitlin Farrell-Starbuck (Exodus Point)
Shivaji De (Winton Capital)
Richard Grant (AQR Capital)
David Moss (DE Shaw)
Jennifer Han (MFA)
Additional Information:
On June 12, 2020, CFTC staff had a call with representatives of
MFA. The meeting lasted for approximately one hour. It focused on a potential
approach to a principles-based rulemaking addressing electronic trading,
including exchange-based risk controls and exchange rules on market