Meeting Date:
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
CFTC Staff:
David Aron
Ben DeMaria
Tom Guerin
Richard Mo
Meghan Tente
DTCC Data Repository (DDR)
External Attendees:
Laura Astrada
Mark Bramante
Debra Cook
Katherine Delp
Stanley Preston
Stephen Vogt
Additional Information:
DMO and DDR staff had a call in which DDR sought to clarify various items from the Part 43 NPRM, including the scope of "free" data in 43.3(c)(2), potentially short implementation time for changes to post-initial cap sizes for late-month changes,use of Eastern Time vs. UTC in various places and relationship between business day (proposed to be removed) and lack of a definition of "holiday" in 1.3 business day definition.