Meeting Date:
Thursday, January 30, 2020
CFTC Staff:
David Steinberg
Marilee Dahlman
Joe Otchin
Managed Funds Association (MFA)
Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA)
External Attendees:
Jennifer Han (MFA)
Adam Jacobs Dean (AIMA)
Nicola Watson (Winton Capital)
Ajay Salhotra (PDT Partners)
Edgar Ortega Barrales (Two Sigma Investments)
Stephen Berger (Citadel LLC)
Additional Information:
January 30, 2020, CFTC staff held a conference call with representatives from
MFA and AIMA. The meeting lasted approximately one hour. It focused
on a potential approach to a principles-based rulemaking addressing electronic
trading, including the scope of market participants potentially impacted by the
rules, examples of pre-trade risk controls utilized by exchanges, the types of
trading disruptions that could fall within the scope of the rules, and
potential issues defining electronic trading.