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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Barbara Day

    Comment No: 959
    Date: 1/20/2010

    Comment Text:

    Barbara Day
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:21 AM
    spendleton@nfa, futures, org; squallo@nfa,
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Sir or Madam
    Over-regulation stiffles business and the rules you brought in last year drove thousands of American
    investers to use offshore companies at the expense of American Forex Dealers. Your new regulation of
    10:1 leverage will exacerbate this. The consequences will be a loss of jobs to Americans and a
    deterioration of the American way of life.
    America is already suffering from a massive increase in Government, Government spending and
    Government regulation and is now well on it's way to becoming a communist state. Your new
    regulations will only speed this process up.
    The voting public of Massechusetts yesterday clearly indicate that "We the People" have lost confidence
    in the present Government and your new regulations will only add to this by further eroding their
    "Freedom of choice".
    One can only conclude that you are sociopaths, pathological narcissists, control freaks or complete idiots
    and the consequence of your present Government's actions and over-regulation will eventually drive
    states leaving the union or another American revolution. Ultimately, you are cutting your own throats at
    the expense of the public and driving money out of the USA.
    I have been advising my American Forex trader friends to leave the country and settle elsewhere since
    20 January 2009. Those with the funds to do so are already leaving because the future for America is
    becoming bleaker by the moment.
    God help America
    Barbara Day