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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Richard Patterson

    Comment No: 9058
    Date: 2/18/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:27 PM
    Public Comment Form
    Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
    ([email protected]) on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 13:27:13
    commenter_subject: Proposed limits on energy futures contracts
    commenter_frdate: 1/26/10
    commenter_frpage: 75FR4143
    - the
    - the
    - the
    - the
    - the
    - the
    commenter_comments: The CFTC proposals do not go far enough. Oil and
    gas need to be taken off the commodity exchange
    entirely and the price drastically lowered to a
    fixed price which accurately reflects its actual
    cost, something which is not now the case.
    Ever since the thugs in the OPEC cartel first
    grabbed the oil-consuming nations by the throat in
    1973-74 there has occurred the largest transfer of
    wealth in recorded history and we have all rolled
    over and played dead for it. Not one Administration
    has had the guts to stand up to these thugs.
    Our oil money has been used to fund every
    terrorist organization emanating from the Middle
    East since the 1970s. To refresh some memories as
    to just some of what our oil money has funded:
    - the 444-day Iranian hostage outrage
    - the Beirut horror show of the 1980s
    numerous commercial airplane hijackings
    - the Pan Am 103 mass murder
    1993 attack on the World Trade Center
    Khobar Towers bombing
    attacks on our embassies in East Africa
    attack on the Cole
    September 11, 2001 atrocities (our oil
    paid for those Florida flight school lessons,
    slaughter in Bali
    - the many lone suicide bombers throughout the
    Middle East
    the training and equiping of the would-be
    killer in the close call of December 25, 2009
    - Iran's nuclear program
    - etc., etc.
    You get the idea (I hope).
    As the saying went in the Watergate
    investigation - follow the money.
    Adding more larceny to the picture, a handful of
    traders on a commodities exchange floor have handed
    our enemies even more of the world's money. This
    has been done under the guise of the "market". In a
    properly functioning
    "market", price reflects cost. Well, it takes less
    than $20 for the domestic oil producers to break
    even on a barrel of oil, about $5 for the Persian10-002
    Gulf nations to break even. $70, $80 (remember
    $150?) for a $20/$5 product when supply far exceeds
    demand is not the "market"; it's a criminal
    conspiracy and one which continues to endanger our
    national security. If the above does not constitute
    providing material support to terrorist
    organizations, I don't know what would. It is time
    to haul these traders and speculators up before a
    federal grand jury (Eric Holder, call your office).
    It makes no sense that a small group of traders
    and speculators can force the entire human race to,
    in effect, fund its own destruction while enriching
    commenter_name: Richard Patterson
    commenter_withhold_address_on: ON
    commenter_addressl: 15058 Fern Loop
    commenter_city: Harrison
    commenter_state: ID
    commenter_zip: 83833