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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Donna Badach

    Comment No: 9057
    Date: 2/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:38 PM
    secretary ; Chilton, Bart ; Gensler, Gary

    Proposed Federal Speculative Position Limits for Referenced Energy Contracts
    Dear Secretary, Commissioner, and Chairman:
    Below is a very disturbing piece wherein it states that the CFTC admits hiding information exposing market manipulation.
    On behalf of myself and other American Citizens not named here but in general, i'd like this email and its forward to be incorporated
    into whatever minutes or pre-hearing documentation that will be used in your March meeting you advised would be held regarding
    market shorts, including the silver precious metal suppression question.
    I'm thoroughly appalled and disenchanted by this information. I'd like to know, personally, HOW this happened, by whom, why and
    where the original orders came from to do this manipulation. The fleecing of America has got to stop.
    Please get the necessary power to get the silver market manipulation shorts, etc., RESOLVED, and clarified so the public may KNOW
    where their money is, and have this information published fairly, honestly and clearly for the American citizens to understand what is
    going on.
    Thank you for your continued efforts. I'd like it if someone would acknowledge receipt of this email and give me any comments that
    could offer me some sort of solace regarding this abomination. As always, God bless.
    Donna Badach
    Hillsboro Beach, FL
    Fwd: [GATA] Adrian Douglas: CFTC admits hiding info exposing market manipulat..From: [email protected]
    dispatch@lists, gata. org
    Sent: 2/20/10 4:41:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
    Subj: [GATA] Adrian Douglas: CFTC admits hiding info exposing market manipulation
    Adrian Douglas: CFTC admits hiding
    info exposing market manipulation
    Submitted by cpowell on 01:39PM ET Saturday, February 20, 2010. Section:
    Daily Dispatches
    By Adrian Douglas
    Saturday, February 20, 2010
    Recently while reviewing the bank participation reports (BPR) released each month by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading
    commission I noticed that, since November 2009, in silver and in some other commodities the CFTC has stopped listing the
    number of banks that hold positions.
    So GATA sent an inquiry to the CFTC as to why this data was now being omitted. We got the following response dated
    February 19:
    "Commissioner Chilton asked that I look into your issue regarding the CFTC Bank Participation Report (the BPR). Specifically,
    you noticed that beginning with the December 2009 BPR the CFTC has not included a breakdown of the participating banks
    in the silver futures, although the breakdown is provided for gold. You had inquired as to why the information has changed.
    "Beginning with the December 2009 BPR, the CFTC began suppressing the trader count in some markets. The change10-002
    became effective with the December 2009 BPR because it was the next available report to be published following the
    commission's November 2009 decision to implement the change.
    "The decision to suppress the trader counts was made as part of an ongoing review of the methodology of the BPR. As part
    of that review, the commission determined that where the number of banks in each reporting category is particularly small,
    fewer than four banks, there exists the potential to extrapolate both the identity of individual banks and the bank's positions.
    Under section 8(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act, the commission, among other things, is generally prohibited from
    publishing data and information that would separately disclose the business transactions or market positions of any person/
    "Accordingly, in order to protect the confidentiality of market participants' positions, the commission determined to suppress
    the individual category breakdown when that number is less than four.
    "An explanation of this determination appears in the Explanatory Notes section of the BPR as it appears on the CFTC
    Website, www.cftc.,qov.
    I have cut and pasted the language below for your convenience.
    "The Explanatory Notes appear at:
    httio://www, cftc. gov/m arketrepo rts/ban kpartic!patio n/ban kpartic!pation_ab
    "Notably, these Explanatory Notes were posted on November 30, 2009, prior to the release of the amended BPR.
    "1 took a look at the January 2010 BPR and noted that the change has affected the reporting on several commodities,
    including soybeans, wheat, corn, heating oil, natural gas, etc., such that silver has not been treated in a manner inconsistent
    with the report structure.
    "1 hope this explanation is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
    "Laura Gardy
    "Legal Assistant to Commissioner Bart Chilton"
    In March 2009 I wrote an article entitled "Pirates of the COMEX." (See
    In this article I
    showed how the two largest short positions on the New York Commodity Exchange, which reached an outrageously
    manipulative extreme of 100 percent of the commercial net short position, must be held by JPMorgan Chase and HSBC. I did
    this by comparing data from the CFTC with the bank derivatives report of the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
    (OCC). This article was sent to the CFTC.
    The CFTC has been posting the monthly bank participation report for more than 10 years. Under a strict interpretation of the
    law that prohibits the CFTC from "publishing data and information that would separately disclose the business transactions or
    market positions of any person/entity," giving the number of contracts held long and short and the number of banks holding
    the positions does not "separately disclose the business transactions or market positions of any person/entity." The CFTC
    now claims that the identity of traders and their holdings could be "extrapolated." But if "extrapolation" is required, then the
    CFTC has not "disclosed" the information. Extrapolation is, at best, an inference, not a disclosure.
    The new reporting protocol of the CFTC concerning the bank participation reports is stated on the commission's Internet site
    as "the BPR includes data for every market where five or more banks hold reportable positions."
    If one looks at the latest COT report, there are plenty of examples of categories where there are only four traders holding
    positions. For example, in Random Length Lumber 4 traders hold all the long positions in the swap trader category, and in
    Platinum 4 traders hold all the spread positions in the managed money category.
    So not only has the CFTC gone out of its way to interpret "extrapolation" of data to infer traders' positions and identities as
    equivalent to actual "disclosure," but the commission has not afforded the same level of anonymity to any other trader by
    eliminating the trader count if it is less than five.
    What has made it possible to "extrapolate" and infer that the two biggest shorts of gold and silver on the Comex are
    JPMorgan Chase and HSBC is their outrageously manipulative positions in the largely unregulated OTC derivatives market,
    where they are not afforded anonymity because they must report their positions to the OCC, which publishes their holdings
    and names. In the latest report JPMorgan Chase and HSBC hold more than 95 percent of the gold and precious metals
    derivatives of all U.S. banks, with a combined notional value of $109 billion.
    The latest OCC Quarterly Report on Bank Derivatives Activities shows that the total notional value of all types of derivatives
    held by all U.S. banks is $204 trillion. The report shows that just five U.S. banks own 97 percent of them. They are
    JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citi, and Wells Fargo, with HSBC in sixth place.
    If the U.S. government has a budget of $3.8 trillion and supposedly governs a $10 trillion economy, yet five commercial banks
    control $198 trillion of derivatives, who do you think really runs the country?
    This is what the OCC says about the derivative holdings of these banks:
    "A total of 1,065 insured U.S. commercial banks reported derivatives activities at the end of the third quarter, a decrease of 45
    banks from the prior quarter. Nonetheless, derivatives activity in the U.S. banking system continues to be dominated by a10-002
    small group of large financial institutions. Five large commercial banks represent 97 percent of the total banking industry
    notional amounts and 88 percent of industry net current credit exposure.
    "While market or product concentrations are normally a concern for bank supervisors, there are three important mitigating
    factors with respect to derivatives activities. First, there are a number of other providers of derivatives products whose activity
    is not reflected in the data in this report. Second, because the highly specialized business of structuring, trading, and
    managing derivatives transactions requires sophisticated tools and expertise, derivatives activity is concentrated in those
    institutions that have the resources needed to be able to operate this business in a safe and sound manner. Third, the OCC
    and other supervisors have examiners on-site at the largest banks to continuously evaluate the credit, market, operation,
    reputation, and compliance risks of derivatives activities."
    None of the three mitigating factors cited by the OCC accurately describe the problem with regulating these banks. The real
    mitigating factor is that these banks are more powerful than the government. They have the power to destroy the global
    financial system quicker than any nuclear conflict could. And there is no non-proliferation treaty for derivatives.
    After my March 2009 article identifying the massive short sellers of gold and silver, the CFTC has become farcical. It now is
    issuing bank participation report that omit bank participation information.
    In November 2009 JPMorgan Chase and HSBC held 43 percent of the commercial net short position in gold and 68 percent
    of the commercial net short position in silver. But the makeup of these positions highlights the manipulation. In gold they were
    short 123,331 contracts but long only 523 contracts and in silver short 41,318 contracts and long only 1,426 contracts. How
    could such one-sided bets be made unless the outcome was certain? These are obviously not positions for customers
    because it is so improbable that these two banks attract only investors who want to sell short.
    It is clear that the generous interpretation of "disclosure" afforded to the biggest shorts in the precious metals, which is not
    necessary nor is it afforded to others, is evidence that the CFTC is aiding and abetting the manipulation of the precious
    metals markets and not preventing it, as is the commission's mandate.
    The CFTC has been investigating possible market manipulation in gold and silver for a year and a half. Yet the CFTC has just
    facilitated the anonymity of the banks that GATA has long implicated in the suppression of gold and silver prices.
    What is taking the CFTC so long to investigate? Is the time being spent on exposing manipulation or on finding new ways to
    cover it up?
    JPMorgan Chase and HSBC are running a bucket shop. Very little metal is ever delivered on the Comex, so that market can
    be manipulated by anyone with large positions and deep pockets. JPMorgan Chase and HSBC qualify on both counts. This
    then allows them to make billions of dollars in the precious metal and gold OTC derivatives market, which is much bigger than
    the Comex.
    HSBC is the custodian of the gold in the GLD exchange-traded fund, and JPMorgan Chase is the custodian of the silver in
    the SLV ETF. The prospectuses of these ETFs have omitted a "material fact" that their custodians have sold gold and silver
    on a massive scale and that they do not have the metal to meet their liabilities. There is an obvious conflict of interest here.
    Such an omission is a criminal offense under Article 10(b) of the Securities Act. The CFTC has the power under the
    Commodity Exchange Act to suspend any firm from an exchange if it has violated the Securities Act. Will the CFTC do so? I
    will not hold my breath.
    This latest skullduggery only helps to confirm what GATA has been exposing for more than 10 years. Nor is this the first
    change in government reporting that has occurred as a direct result of GATA exposes. In 2000 the U.S. Mint changed the
    denomination of 1,700 tonnes of gold stored at West Point from "gold reserves" to "custodial gold," which implies that a
    change in ownership occurred. When GATA inquired about this change,
    U.S. gold was reclassified into the meaningless
    and farcical category of "Deep Storage Gold."
    But all market manipulations are unsustainable. The suppression of gold and silver represents the investment opportunity of a
    lifetime because they will rise to their true market prices when these illegal activities come to a sticky end. More and more
    investors, institutions, central banks, and countries are not only buying gold and silver but buying
    real physical gold and silver
    not paper promises or substitutes. There are increasing signs that the supply of real metal is becoming tight. Once
    impending default becomes apparent, the precious metals will shake off their shackles and be priced several fold more than
    they are today.
    Adrian Douglas is publisher of the Market Force Analysis letter (www.
    and a member of GA TA's
    Board of Directors.
    Support GATA by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:
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    http://www,.qold rush21 .com/
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    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
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    Manchester, Connecticut
    06043-7541 USA
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    Recommended Sites
    Recommended Internet sites for daily monitoring of gold and precious metals news and analysis.
    Free sites:
    ._h~#_;L/_~__2___4__h_gold. co m
    http://www.jsmin eset. com
    http://www, marketwatch, com
    http://www, min eweb. com/
    http://www~.clold-ea~q!e, com/
    http://www, kitco, com/
    http://www, usagold, com/
    http://www, usagold, com/am k/usaqold m arketupdate, html
    http://www. GoldSeek. co m/
    http://www. GoldReview. com/
    http://www, capitalupdates, com/
    http://www., com
    http://www..qolden bar. com/
    http://www, silver-investo r. com10-002
    http://www.thebulliondesk, com/
    http://www.sharelynx, com/
    http://www, mininglife, com/
    http://www.financialsense, com
    http~//www.goldensextant, com
    httio;//www._cloldis m o n ey. info/index, html
    http://www, howestreet, com
    http://www, u n-debt, net
    http://www,, html
    http://www, goldcolony, com
    http://www, miningstocks, com
    httio://www, mineralstox, com
    http://www.freemarketnews, com
    http://www. 321 gold. co m
    _h__~p://www. SilverSeek. co m
    http://www, investm entrarities, com
    (Korelin Business Report-- audio)
    http~//www, plata, com. mx/plata/home, htm
    (in Spanish)
    httio;//www, plata, com. mx/io!ata/plata/en.qlish_htm
    (in English)
    http://www, miningmx, com
    http://www~prudentbear, com
    http://www, dollarcollapse, com
    http://www, kitcocasey, com
    http://000999.foru mactif, com/
    http;//www._q old d rive rs. com/
    http://www, goldpen nystocks, com/
    http://www, oroyfinanzas, com/(in Spanish)
    http://www,goldcore, com/
    http://coininfo, com/
    http~//www.goldmau, com/
    httio://www, milesfran klin. com
    http://www.silverminers, com
    http://www, gold-speculator, com
    http://bullio n. NWTMint. com
    http://www. PreciousMetalsMonth!y. com
    http://www. SilverStockReport. com
    http://www.longwavegroup, com/10-002
    http://theau report, com/
    Subscription sites:
    http://www, marketforceanalvsis, com/
    http://www, hsletter, com
    http://www, casevresearch, com/
    http://www, deepcaster, co m/
    http://www.vrtrader, net/
    Eagle Ranch discussion site:
    _h__~ p_ L/_/_ _o_ _s_ _ _2_ _e_ _ _a_ g I e. n eti S S L/_p__h_ Ee___n__t__r y_~ p_h__ p
    Ted Butler silver commentary archive:
    http://www, investm entrarities, com/
    Recommended Gold & Bullion Dealers
    Coin and precious metals dealers who have supported GATA
    and been recommended by our supporters:
    Herengracht 574
    1017 CJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    +31 (0) 20 521 9424
    Fax: +31 (0) 20 521 9333
    [email protected]
    http://www, amsterdam.qold, com
    Anglo Far-East Bullion Co.
    Level 23, Monticello, Anastasio Ruiz N
    Panama City, Panama
    Contact: Alex Stanczyk
    + 1-206-905-9961
    n [email protected], com
    http://www, an.q!ofareast, com
    Blanchard & Co. Inc.
    909 Poydras St., Suite 1900
    New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
    http://wwvv, blanchardonline, com
    Bullion Custodial Services Inc.
    280-60 Renfrew Drive
    Markham, Ontario L3R 0El, Canada
    Rob Kirby, Sales Agent
    rkirby@kirbyanalytics, com
    http://www. KirbvAna!ytics. com
    Centennial Precious Metals
    Box 460009
    Denver, Colorado 80246-0009
    Michael Kosares, Proprietor
    [email protected]
    http://wwvv. USAGOLD. com
    Colorado Gold
    222 South 5th St.10-002
    Montrose, Colorado 81401
    Don Stott, Proprietor
    Gold@gwe. net
    http://www. ColoradoGold. com
    El Dorado Discount Gold
    13014 N. Dale Mabry Highway
    Suite 133
    Tampa, Florida 33618
    Contact: Steve Forehand
    [email protected], net
    http://www, eldoradogold, net
    63 Fitzwilliam Square
    Dublin 2, Ireland
    +353 (0)1-632-5010
    ... and ...
    No. 1 Cornhill
    London EC3V 3ND, England
    +44 (0)203-086-9200
    Mark.OByrne@goldcore. com
    http://www.~q old co re. com Inc.
    Emancipatie Boulevard 29
    Willemstad, Curacao
    Netherlands Antilles
    Contact: Eric Hommelberg
    ehom melberg@golddrivers, com
    http://www,.qoldd rivers, com
    Net Transactions Ltd.
    1st Floor
    32 Commercial St.
    St Helier, Jersey JE2 3RU
    British Channel Islands (UK)
    Tel: +44-1534-511-977
    http://GoldMoney, com
    Investment Rarities Inc.
    7850 Metro Parkway
    Minneapolis, Minnesota 55425
    Greg Westgaard, Sales Manager
    1-800-328-1860, Ext. 8889
    gwestgaard@investmentrarities, com
    http~//www.gloomdoom com
    Jaxville Gold and Silver Trading Co.
    4901-48 St.
    Parkland Square, Lower Mall
    Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
    Jack Fortin, Owner and Operator
    auric@telus, net
    http://wwwjaxville, com
    JH Mint
    13241 Grass Valley Ave.
    Grass Valley, California 95945
    silver support@vzw, blackberry, net
    http://www.jh mint. com
    178 West Service Road
    Champlain, N.Y. 12919
    Toll Free: 1-877-775-4826
    Fax: 518-298-3457
    620 Cathcart, Suite 900
    Montreal, Quebec H3B 1M1
    Toll-free: 1-800-363-7053
    Fax: 514-875-6484
    kitco, com
    Lee Certified Coins
    P.O. Box 1045
    454 Daniel Webster Highway
    Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054
    Ed Lee, Proprietor
    !eecoins@aol. corn
    httio://www, certifiedcoins, com
    MRCS Canada
    12303-118 Ave. NW
    Edmonton, Alberta T5L 2K2
    Michael Riedel, Proprietor
    [email protected]
    http://www, m rcscanada, com
    Miles Franklin Ltd.
    1001 Twelve Oaks Center Drive
    Suite 1028
    Wayzata, MN 55391
    Contacts: David Schectman,
    Andy Schectman, and Bob Sichel
    http://www, milesfran klin. com
    Missouri Coin Co.
    11742 Manchester Road
    St. Louis, MO 63131-4614
    [email protected]
    http://www, mocoin, com
    Northwest Territorial Mint
    1307 West Valley Highway North
    Suite 101
    Auburn, Washington 98001
    [email protected]
    http://bullio n. NWTMint. com
    Precious Metals International Ltd.
    Anderson Square Building, 3rd Floor
    George Town, Grand Cayman
    P.O. Box 866
    Cayman Islands, British West Indies
    Proprietor: Richard S. Love
    http://www. PMILimited. com
    [email protected]
    Toll-free: 866-764-2878
    Local: 242-394-5527
    Resource Consultants Inc.
    6139 South Rural Road10-002
    Suite 103
    Tempe, Arizona 85283-2929
    Pat Gorman, Proprietor
    1-800-494-4149, 480-820-5877
    [email protected]
    http://www, buysilvernow, com
    Scottsdale Silver & Gold
    20701 North Scottsdale Road
    Suite 107-266
    Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
    1-888-SIL-BARZ or 1-888-745-2279
    sales@scottsdalesilver, com
    http://www. ScottsdaleSilver. co m
    Seekbullion Gold and Silver Auctions
    8420 S. Continental Divide Road
    Suite 221
    Littleton, Colorado 80127
    Peter Spina, Owner
    PeterSpin [email protected], com
    http://wwvv.seekbullion, com
    Silver Gold Bull
    4819 45 Street
    P.O. Box 2621
    Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T-1L6
    Contact: Mihali Belandis
    [email protected]
    http://www. SilverGoldBull. com
    Silver Trading Co.
    445 Montgomery St.
    PO Box 876
    Shreveport, Louisiana 71107
    Larry LaBorde, Proprietor
    LLaBord@silvertradinq. net
    http://www, silvertradin q. net
    SprottMoney Ltd.
    Royal Bank South Tower
    200 Bay St.
    Suite 2750, P.O. Box 90
    Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J2
    or toll-free 888-861-0775
    sa!es@sprottmoney, com
    Swiss America Trading Corp.
    15018 North Tatum Blvd.
    Phoenix, Arizona 85032
    Dr. Fred I. Goldstein, Senior Broker
    [email protected]
    http://www.swissamerica, com
    The Moneychanger
    Box 178
    Westpoint, Tennessee 38486
    Franklin Sanders
    1-888-218-9226, 931-766-6066
    True Metals Group10-002
    728 West Ave., Suite 1100
    Cocoa, Florida 32927
    Daniel and Karina Ward, Owners
    Sales@silver50. com
    http://www, silver50, co m
    Worldwide Precious Metals (Canada) Ltd.
    Suite 1488, 777 Hornby St.
    Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1S4
    President: John P. Downes
    Toll-free: 1-866-623-2002
    Local 778-945-2002
    !nfo@wwpmc. corn
    http://www.wwpmc, com
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