Comment Text:
Alpha Theta
Sunday, March 21, 2010 11: l 5 PM
Leverage of l 0:1
I think that your ideas of controlling the leverage to 10 to one for retail forex is about the worst idea that
the CFTC has ever been able to come up with. You people would be better served taking a coule steps
backwards on this one and observing the rest of the worlds stance on this. Becasue if you regulate it to
ten to one you will simply be sending a bunch of money out of the country. People are not going to stop
trading FOREX!! They will simply
close out their accounts in the USA and move to another country with the money. You should have
noticed this with the FIFO rules.
Now if the CFTC continues with this please do the statistics of how much money leaves and then report
it publicly. I believe the public outcry will be enormous. Thank you for your time and consideration
realizing that I am but one small voice among the multitude.
Alpha Theta