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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: John Zegar

    Comment No: 832
    Date: 1/19/2010

    Comment Text:

    John Zeger
    Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:43 PM
    chris donnel
    "Regulation of Retail Forex" number RIN 3038-AC61 --- I protest this in the
    strongest terms
    Dear Secretary:
    RE: "Regulation of Retail Forex" identification number R1N 3038-AC61
    I protest this in the strongest terms.
    I strongly disagree with proposal to regulate Retail FOREX to limit leverage to 10:1
    Leave the leverage of 100:1 alone. Your proposed regulation will help to hamper and destroy the last
    bastion of free enterprise left in this country. We are adults. We can manage our own money and
    trading decisions. This is intrusive and will hamper our ability to make a profit and a living.
    People will just open accounts overseas and get the full leverage and people who work
    in this industry in the United States will lose their jobs. This will also have an
    impact on the US dollar and will reduce US tax collection as many foreign governments
    don't report earnings. Thus 10-1 will basically cost thousands of US Jobs and hundreds of millions in
    tax revenues. Is there any sign of intelligence running the CFTC or are you all just a bunch of idiots?
    Seriously! If the goal is to reduce the odds of new traders
    losing all their money then you should have a graduated leverage based on capital in
    account. Under $2,000 give traders 25:1 or up to 50:1 and for accounts over $5k or $10k give the entire
    100:1 leverage.
    The solution to foolish trading practices is education not regulation. Leave the professional traders
    alone with the leverage they need. Any good trader risks no more than 2% of their account and if you're
    a scalper doing multiple trades at once THIS RULE WILL HURT their money management algorithms
    and thus cause the very thing you hope to prevent, LOSSES. We are adults. We can manage our own
    lives and trading decisions. Your proposed regulation is destructive and intrusive.
    Another solution is to HARD CODE maximum losses of 50 pips. I personally limit my
    losses when wrong to 10-15 pips max thus trading more lots and when I'm right my
    trades go 25 to 100 pips. Cutting leverage drastically will change how I trade, that
    is until I open a foreign account which EVERY experienced trader will do. This
    rule is idiotic and I'd like a response as to the reasons behind it?
    Why is this Government doing everything it can to destroy the economy of this country?
    It is free enterprise that has made this country great. It is people like myself who through their own
    initiative and work are the engine of this economy. Government regulation is killing our ability to
    survive. Get out of the way. This proposed regulation RIN 3038-AC61 is plain wrong, and plainly
    destructive and counter productive.
    I protest this proposed regulation R1N 3038-AC61 limiting retail FOREX leverage to 110.
    Leave the retail leverage alone. Get out of the way.
    Less Goverment, Less Regulation, Less Taxes, more freedom, more free enterprise, more personali0-001
    responsibility. If anything you should offer to fund retail traders accounts with a tax credit for FOREX
    education and then fund $3,000 dollars towards their accounts, to help strengthen the US Dollar, and
    provide a greater pool of educated traders whic to that would help the US economy.
    John Zeger
    Retail FOREX Trader
    ..... End of Email .....