Comment Text:
I am saying NO to gambling on elections in the United States of America for the following reasons:
1. Gambling on our elections is just wrong and must be rejected.
2. Gambling on our elections is insulting to the memory of those who gave their lives for our
Country. And would be a constant insult to those who survived perilous wounds to keep
this country free. The memory of seniors in high school graduating in the spring and being
Dead by Christmas still haunts me. (I am a former high school teacher.)
3. The Integrity and honesty of our country and democracy would be undermined to turn free
Elections into something that just needs to get the highest bidder’s money.
4. As a country, we have fought to keep our elections free by war, by our courts, by our
Representatives and Senators, and by our President.
5. An individual person’s vote will be undermined and reduced to nothing.
6. Personal gain would come before a persons sacred right to vote their choices.
7. The right to vote freely will be lost.
Sincerely yours,
Billie W. Johnson(Ms.)